The impact of artificial intelligence on education? What are the key scientific and technical issues?

The intelligent education and education balanced development of the Baixian demonstration construction project and the first China Intelligent Education Conference expert consultation meeting was held in Capital Normal University. The conference was hosted by the China Language Intelligence Research Center, the research base of the National Language and Literature Working Committee of the Ministry of Education of the Capital Normal University. The participating experts spoke freely about the balanced development of intelligent education and education, and exchanged insights.

Reporter: Why should we pay attention to the impact of artificial intelligence on education?

Li Deyi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chairman of the China Artificial Intelligence Society: There are four areas in which artificial intelligence has the greatest impact on the current economic and social situation. The first is manufacturing, the second is education, the third is medical, and the fourth is finance. Education is an important livelihood and the biggest dividend for talent cultivation in the future. Therefore, smart education is the biggest dividend for the demographic dividend. Carrying out intelligent education research and promoting the balanced development of intelligent education and education in the 100-county demonstration construction project is of great significance to the development of education. Therefore, we must pay attention to the changes brought about by the era of artificial intelligence.

The impact of artificial intelligence on education? What are the key scientific and technical issues?

A deep understanding of lifelong education. Future education must be lifelong education, not just classroom education in schools. We must pay special attention to brain cognitive technology, technology perception, natural language and processing understanding, and knowledge sharing. These four are nuclear; peripherals are robots and intelligent systems, one of which is called software theory and engineering, and the other is called computer application.

As the chairman of the China Artificial Intelligence Society, I will lead the society to bring together the main personnel of the national artificial intelligence, take the opportunity of the China Intelligent Education Conference, and use the intelligent education and education to develop a 100-county demonstration construction project as an entry point, and carry out extensive scientific research. Product development and application, leading the future development of education and artificial intelligence, for the party and the government to make suggestions, to provide intelligent services for the general public.

Reporter: How can artificial intelligence help education to promote poverty alleviation and balanced development of education?

Professor Zhou Jianshe, Director of the Chinese Language Intelligence Research Center of the National Language Committee: Just now the relevant experts explained the key scientific and technological problems of the intelligent education reform with wonderful cases, and vividly demonstrated the English composition intelligent correction system, the English intelligent evaluation system, and the Chinese intelligent learning system. ——The latest research results of 7 intelligent educations such as IN classroom, Chinese composition intelligent correction system, Chinese composition intelligent writing system, language map generation system and intelligent teaching AR platform. Beginning in May 2017, the China Language Intelligence Research Center has prepared for the nine-county demonstration construction project and the first China Intelligent Education Conference on the balanced development of intelligent education and education, conducting preliminary research, compiling relevant plans, and convening some education departments. The director's demonstration meeting went into 35 districts and counties in 13 provinces and cities such as Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Beijing to conduct research. After more than 50 small-scale consultations, he listened to the opinions and suggestions of representatives from all walks of life and mastered the first-line division. An urgent need for life. Artificial intelligence helps education to accurately alleviate poverty and promote the balanced development of compulsory education. It has been fully affirmed by the Ministry of Education and the National Language Committee, and has received the full support of the academic community and the industry.

The balanced development of intelligent education and education The 100-county demonstration construction project is the result of the full use of artificial intelligence by the Chinese Language Intelligence Research Center. It is proposed and promoted based on the active development of language intelligence and intelligent education product development and promotion. The products benefit the wider region, and strive to achieve the goal of “100 County Demonstration, Thousand County Pilots, Million School Application, and Benefits of 100 Million People” to enable education to take artificial intelligence express trains, help education to promote poverty alleviation, balanced education development and comprehensive education quality. Upgrade.

Reporter: What are the key scientific and technological issues in the transformation of intelligent education?

Li Taihao, researcher at Harvard University Language and Brain Information Engineering Center: It can be said that the era of intelligent education has come. Intelligent education should start from the informationization of education. The development of education informatization in the world is roughly divided into three stages: technology, intelligence, and intelligence. Technicalization is to achieve the ultimate means of performance, for example, from traditional chalk, blackboard to multimedia, to projectors, etc.; intelligence is to make the algorithm reach an extreme; intelligent is to make understanding to the extreme. In the process of transforming intelligent education, there are various technical and scientific issues that we need to study.

Our team mainly focuses on reading the face and emotional calculations. In the past, people thought that emotion is a subsidiary product of the brain in the process of thinking, and there is no mechanism for itself. However, people slowly find that this is not the case. Emotion is very important for people's thinking, for people's behavior, for people's learning, and for people's memory. What is emotional calculation? How to calculate? Emotional calculation can be the emotional calculation of the text, which can be calculated in the written text; in addition, the speech, intonation, posture, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, and brain electricity of people can also be calculated. How do you let the robot know the emotion? This is what we want to study.

How is emotional calculation used in education and teaching? The role of many educational software in the classroom today is to make a feedback that is the interaction between the teacher and the student. However, I think that it is not a real interaction before the teacher finishes the problem. How does emotional computing solve this problem? We can collect teaching signals in a timely manner. Through a large screen in the classroom, teachers can always know the status of students' lectures and know how the students listen when they talk about knowledge points. On this basis, it is also possible to carry out personalized teaching, so that the machine can generate exercises for different students in a targeted manner. In the long run, students can also customize their own studies. Emotional calculations are feasible for teaching. Our next goal is to hope that we can conduct timely analysis through emotional calculations, help teachers to grasp the state of the class in a timely manner, and help school administrators to understand the teaching status of teachers in a timely manner. We often say that precision treatment, precision poverty alleviation, the premise of precision is personalized, and the basis of personalization is the collection of personal data. Through the language and intonation analysis of the question and answer form, we believe that we can achieve true personalization and precision through the communication between teachers and students, through pulse or heart rate.

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