Organizational Structure and Quality Management of Studio Lighting System Construction

How can we build a complete organizational structure? From the different perspectives of project management, the best way is to establish a triangular stability architecture as shown in Figure 1, in order to provide a reliable guarantee for the smooth implementation of the project.
Studio lighting

Figure 1 Collaborative management mode between contractor and project management department

The construction unit project department is mainly responsible for the macro management of the project. The main responsibilities are as follows: conducting project feasibility study; raising project funds; proposing project requirements; reviewing project design plans; formulating project control objectives and key nodes; reviewing and approving project implementation costs; and organizing completion acceptance.

The main responsibilities of the project department of the supervision unit are as follows: According to the control objectives formulated by the construction unit, the quality, progress and investment in the project implementation process are strictly controlled and managed; the project safety and civilized production are supervised; and the three-party communication pipeline is established.

The main responsibility of the project department of the contractor is to be responsible for the implementation of the project.

In the triangular stability architecture system, a clear and specific division of labor has been made for the macro management of the project, the micro-management of the project, and the implementation of the project. Especially for the professional characteristics of the lighting system, the specialized supervision project department is designated to carry out specialized micro-management, which blocks the risk of “quality, progress and investment” in the project implementation process.

During the project implementation process, the project department of the supervision unit works closely with the project department of the contractor to strictly manage the quality of the project from the perspective of a third party.

The management mode is shown in Figure 1. Years of practical experience have also proved this. The implementation of the studio lighting system is a system engineering that combines the results of multiple categories of technology. Therefore, it is necessary to supervise the technical quality characteristics of the lighting system itself, and also use the knowledge of modern management science to organize and manage it scientifically.

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