The era of artificial intelligence is about to come this time China will "play the leading role"

According to English media reports, although Asia currently lags behind Silicon Valley in terms of research on artificial intelligence, industry experts believe that in 2017, the Asian technology industry will become an important force for promoting the development of artificial intelligence. The following is a summary of the article: If you try to search for "Machine" in the Google search engine, then there is a great possibility that one of the top search results is "The machine is coming." In 2016, artificial intelligence has achieved tremendous development. Well-known technology leaders believe that 2016 is a breakthrough year in the history of artificial intelligence. So far, Asia still lags behind Silicon Valley in artificial intelligence research. However, industry experts believe that in 2017, Asian technology industry will become an important force to promote the development of artificial intelligence. The age of artificial intelligence is approaching this time China will “play the protagonist” Artificial intelligence is based on the analysis of large amounts of data to predict outcomes or patterns. The development history of artificial intelligence is almost the same as that of computers, but artificial intelligence has always been mysterious in the outside world and takes many years to realize. At present, with the development of a series of technologies, the realization of computer-like cognitive abilities may soon become a reality. In March of last year, AlphaGo, the Google artificial intelligence system, defeated Li Shishi in the Go game and attracted public attention. The previous point of view is that the complexity of Go is more than the computer's ability to understand. Silicon Valley technology giants, as well as China’s Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent (BAT) are investing heavily in artificial intelligence. On the other hand, data and computing resources are becoming more and more abundant. As a result, artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing.
Artificial intelligence researchers believe that artificial intelligence technology can transform almost all aspects of the global economy and human life, whether it be cancer detection and treatment, management consulting methods, or investment banking operations. Soumith Qintala, a research engineer at the Facebook artificial intelligence research institute, said: “In the next few years, we can expect that the technology driving driverless and AlphaGo will be integrated into multiple fields, such as transportation and medical care. Health.” In 2016, the rapid development of artificial intelligence was mainly due to the rise of “machine learning” and “deep learning”. In a machine learning system, the algorithm accomplishes certain tasks by training rather than a fixed program. This requires a lot of data related to this task. Deep learning is a type of machine learning. This system simulates the human brain and sends large amounts of data to artificial neurons, which will be quickly processed and analyzed. Pascael Fung, an artificial intelligence researcher at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said that the industry has achieved some milestones in the development of computer-like computers. Speech and emotion recognition is reaching a "new milestone." An AI expert focused on Asia stated that research on artificial intelligence in Asia is lagging behind the West, but Asian tech companies and universities have great potential to catch up. As China's largest search engine, Baidu is considered at the forefront of Asian artificial intelligence research. Baidu set up artificial intelligence labs in Silicon Valley and Beijing. In 2014, Baidu dug out the head of Google’s former artificial intelligence technology and Wu Enda, co-founder of Coursera, an online learning platform. is an accelerator dedicated to Asian artificial intelligence startups. TakLo, the company’s managing director, said: “The Chinese BAT companies know that they need to compete with Google and Facebook in the area of ​​artificial intelligence. We expect to see competition in this area in the next few years.” He believes that China, Japan and South Korea's entrepreneurial ecosystem will promote the development of Asian artificial intelligence technology. Kontara of Facebook also believes that Asia will play an important part in the global community of artificial intelligence and deep learning research. He said: "As an individual, we have already brought a very good influence in this area." Qin Tara is from India. However, he also stated that the level of research in India and other places is far behind the top universities and laboratories in Europe and the United States. “This is slowly and steadily changing. The key to bridging the gap lies in designing good mentoring programs for young researchers. This is rapidly advancing.” Asia’s major centres, including Singapore and Hong Kong, have fostered a number of entrepreneurship focused on deep learning. the company. Many companies in this region want to provide services based on artificial intelligence technology. The technology industry data and research company CBInsights said last month that since 2011, 137 artificial intelligence-related startups have been acquired worldwide, including 40 in 2016. The acquired startups are partially focused on the development of artificial intelligence “chat robots.” Such software is based on deep learning technology that helps users complete a variety of tasks, including ordering meals, paying bills, or taxiing from Uber using text or voice. One such company is from Singapore. The chat robot developed by the company helps the bank customers to complete the business through the artificial intelligence platform on the message application. The company’s co-founder Shankar Narayanan said: “We had an Internet bank before, and then we saw the era of mobile banking and the “mobile first” strategy. At present, we are entering the artificial intelligence bank. In the era, the “artificial intelligence first” strategy was adopted.” In Hong Kong, startup is developing similar artificial intelligence chat robot technology to support the identification of Cantonese, English and other major languages. Ken Leung, co-founder of the company, said: “In 2017, we will see further use of this technology by banks, insurance and retail companies. However, this technology will take several years to become mainstream. Pascal von said that as the world's most important manufacturing country, China has a unique advantage to promote the development of artificial intelligence technology, because "the cooperation between research, development and manufacturing can be achieved quickly." China's BAT company also collected a wealth of data. These companies can use the latest machine learning algorithms to analyze these data and optimize their services. Artificial intelligence technology has great potential, but industry experts also stressed that the development of artificial intelligence should ensure that this technology will not have a negative impact on humans. In September of this year, major technology companies in the United States announced the establishment of an "artificial intelligence alliance for the benefit of humanity and society." This non-profit alliance will launch research on the ethical and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, "promote public understanding and understanding of this technology." Kontara of Facebook stated: “It is very important to understand artificial intelligence fundamentally because if there is a lack of understanding of artificial intelligence, people may overestimate the capabilities of current artificial intelligence technologies and make mistaken investments and decisions.” Nello Cristiani, a professor of artificial intelligence at the University of Bristol, said users and regulators need to be aware of the potential for abuse of artificial intelligence technology. The information security of personal data, the dependence on adaptive technologies, and the prediction of personal financial behavior are disclosed to insurance companies and banks without authorization. This is a key risk for artificial intelligence. Christianini said: "In addition to technological advances, if we can achieve cultural progress in these areas in 2017, then it will be a good thing. This will prevent bad things from happening too late." Industry experts hope Dispel the concerns that the artificial intelligence technology brings "Skynet." In the film Terminator, such a computer network controls humans. Pascal von said: “Some worries, such as robots taking over humanity, are still far away from the present. We have made many advances and breakthroughs, but at present it is impossible to develop machines with general intelligence.”